
Frequently Asked Questions

R:  All accounts (student, faculty, staff, visitors, functional, etc.) are in the same ucsb.edu namespace.  UMail accounts will will have a delivery alias of UCSBnetID@umail.ucsb.edu(link sends e-mail) added.  You can use either address without issue for calendaring.
Q:  Student who already has both a office 365 account and Connect/G Suite account, how are you going to MERGE email from umail to G Suite since both accounts already exist? 
R:  This is a common use case.  We can identify people who already have a Connect account.  We give them an option to (1) migrate email from source system (O365) to Google.  Mail and folder structure from O365 will merge into their Connect account.  (2) Do not migrate.  Only use this option if mail from your O365 account is not needed. 
Q:  Many students forward their Umail to their Connect Account,  It'd be terrible if they ended up with duplicate emails.  How do you address or prevent that? 
R:  Gmail only stores a single copy of a message. If another message arrives with the same ID, it will have an additional label added which could be "INBOX".
Q:  How are settings in the account transferred?
R:  Settings (like Out of Office, Signatures, Rules, ect) will not transfer from O365 to Google.  Those will need to be recreated on the Google side.
Q:  If students are using Onenote or the office 365 storage, what happens to those files / service? 
R:  O365 accounts will still be accessible after the migration as they are required for the distribution of MS Office licenses and software.  
Q:  I have set up forwarding on my Office 365 account so messages are delivered to my personal account.  What will happen?
R:  If you chose the option to “Keep a copy of forwarded messages” all messages in your Office 365 account will be migrated to your new Gmail account. If you did not chose the option to keep a copy there will be nothing to migrate. Basically, anything in your Office 365 account will be migrated. On the day your account is migrated to Google, mail forwarding will stop and new messages will be delivered to your new Gmail account.
Q:  I have a U-Mail account AND a UCSB issued Gmail (Connect) account.  Will I get another Gmail account?
R:  No. Only one Gmail account can be issued. Messages for your Office 365 U-Mail account will be merged into your existing Google account.
Q: I received a migration date but my account is set to be deactivated before that date. Is my deactivation date still valid?
R: Yes. All current accounts were grouped into waves for migration. However, if your account will be deactivated before that date, it will still become inactive at that specific date. You will not be able to access your U-Mail account after your deactivation date.